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Article: Intermittent fasting – how your body benefits!

Intervallfasten – so profitiert dein Körper!

Intermittent fasting – how your body benefits!

The liver is our largest detoxification organ and is involved in many metabolic processes . It is where toxins are converted into non-toxic substances or excreted. The liver plays a particularly important role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism. An unbalanced lifestyle is particularly challenging for it. You may already know that high alcohol consumption can affect the liver. But too little exercise and too high an intake of simple carbohydrates also put strain on it in everyday life. If there is an excess of simple carbohydrates (sugar), they are converted into fat in the liver and stored there. A high intake of saturated fatty acids from animal products can also lead to fatty liver in the long term. If the liver is not well, we usually only notice it late - because we do not always necessarily associate the symptoms with the organ. For example, Skin diseases or strong itching be a consequence. Also in fatigue and migraine The symptoms can manifest themselves. Blood sugar levels are often also elevated.

The special thing: The liver is usually able to to regenerate quickly . With a balanced Nutrition and Movement you can support your liver. If you want to relieve it in a targeted way, you can also Fasting cures to the intermittent fasting for example, give the liver time to regenerate in everyday life. The liver needs time to break down or convert substances - especially to break down deposited fat. Foods such as lemons, lentils, green tea or tomatoes can particularly help your liver to cleanse itself. Turmeric and garlic are also popular.


No matter what your goal is, fasting can help you achieve your Finding focus (again) and to listen more and more to your true physical and perhaps emotional needs. It may sound exhausting and of course a bit of discipline is required, but there are many different ways of fasting that you can try. Fasting is a time out for the body and mind and has many advantages.

Here are some advantages

During controlled fasting, the body saves a lot ENERGY that he uses instead for the DIGESTION is now available for other processes.

The METABOLISM changes, so that after just a few days of fasting, about 90% of the energy from the Fat burning This can have an effect on WEIGHT REGULATION.

Body's own CLEANING MECHANISMS are stimulated and can demonstrably help to get even serious illnesses under control. These processes are due, among other things, to the fact that our MICROBIOME in the intestine during fasting . This in turn affects the IMMUNE SYSTEM, 80% of which is located in the intestine.

All CELLS can recover during fasting. A kind of “cell recycling” even takes place. Pollutants and acids are disposed of more effectively and the cells have more capacity for REPAIR and HEALING PROCESSES .

Also on the BRAIN CELLS Fasting can have an effect, for example, Ability to concentrate can be increased.

The balancing effect of fasting can also HORMONAL level so that female well-being can be increased.

Fasting can also be used for MENTAL RELIEF It helps to restructure everyday life and also the WORLD OF THOUGHT AND EMOTIONS to bring into harmony.


Fasting is primarily about cleansing and detoxifying the body in order to get rid of harmful substances. Did you know that you can also support your immune system in this way? As soon as your body is no longer busy fighting harmful substances, it can put this energy into self-healing processes , such as fighting inflammation.
A large part of our immune system is active in the intestines - there it primarily fights fungi, viruses and unwanted bacteria. It is not uncommon for us to ingest allergens through food, as well as substances that are involved in inflammatory reactions in the body. These also challenge our immune system. By relieving the gastrointestinal tract when fasting, you also relieve the strain on your immune system.
So when might be a good time to fast?

During the 2nd cycle phase, the Follicular phase , we often find ourselves in a high mood. This is because the Estrogen levels increases and with it the mood and Energy . Increased estrogen also sometimes leads to a reduced appetite. You are physically and mentally stronger - these are the best conditions for a fasting cure.

Even if you are Menstruation Perhaps you are more likely to be dealing with a low mood and cravings, however, this phase can also be suitable to stimulate the body’s own Cleaning process In addition, sugar and other stimulants can make menstrual problems worse. An alkaline diet can work wonders here.

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